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Innoscience (英诺赛科)

Innoscience (英诺赛科)

Innoscience 英诺赛科成立于2015年12月,是一家致力于第三代半导体硅基氮化镓研发与产业化的高新技术企业。公司采用IDM全产业链模式,集芯片设计、外延生长、芯片制造、测试与失效分析于一体,拥有全球最大的8英寸硅基氮化镓晶圆的生产能力。公司的主要产品涵盖从低压到高压(30V-650V)的氮化镓功率器件,产品设计及性能均达到国际先进水平。
Innoscience 英诺赛科已在激光雷达、数据中心、5G通讯、高密度高效快速充电、无线充电、车载充电器、LED 灯照明驱动等方面发布产品方案,并与国内多家应用头部企业开展深度合作,实现量产。Innoscience 英诺赛科作为技术全球领先的第三代半导体公司,在8英寸硅基氮化镓核心技术和关键工艺领域已实现重大突破,建立了高功率密度、高效率、高增益、低成本的硅基氮化镓量产平台,实现了中国第三代半导体零的突破。
Innoscience 英诺赛科的主要产品涵盖从低压到高压(30V-650V)的氮化镓功率器件。
Innoscience 英诺赛科是一家致力于第三代半导体硅基氮化镓外延及器件研发与制造的高新技术企业,采用IDM(Integrated Device Manufacture)全产业链模式,建立了全球首条产能最大的8英寸 GaN-on-Si 晶圆量产线。 公司核心技术团队由众多资深的国际一流半导体专家组成,Innoscience 英诺赛科相信GaN可以改变世界,Innoscience 英诺赛科的目标是以更低的价格,向客户提供品质一流、可靠性优异的GaN器件,并且实现GaN技术在市场的广泛应用。
Innoscience 英诺赛科的核心技术团队
Innoscience 英诺赛科的核心技术团队由半导体和(电力)电子行业的专家和资深人士组成。 他们均来自世界一流的领先公司,在硅基氮化镓技术的开发和大规模量产方面拥有丰富的经验。
此外,为了展示Innoscience 英诺赛科在氮化镓技术领域拥有的潜力,并更加顺利地推广产品,Innoscience 英诺赛科还汇集了系统工程领域的专家,用于进行面向特殊应用和客户的开发板及其他电路系统的研制。
Innoscience 英诺赛科的历史
Innoscience 英诺赛科创立于2015年12月17日,旨在打造全球最大的采用全产业链模式,集设计、研发、生产和销售为一体氮化镓(GaN )的生产基地。
公司成立之初,Innoscience 英诺赛科的创始人就深知,如果想实现氮化镓技术在市场上的广泛应用,产品的性能和可靠性只是根本。氮化镓功率电子器件在市场上要进行大规模推广,还需要解决另外三个痛点:首先是成本,具备合理的价格才能被广泛采用。其次是具备大规模量产能力,以应对市场的爆发。第三,要确保器件供应链稳定,有了稳定的货源供应,客户可以全心全意投入产品和系统的开发,无需担心因氮化镓器件供应战略的变化而导致停产。因此,Innoscience 英诺赛科明白,只有扩大 GaN 器件的产能并拥有自主可控的生产线,才有可能解决氮化镓功率电子器件在市场上进行大规模推广的三个痛点(价格、数量和供应安全)。
从一开始,Innoscience 英诺赛科就战略性地将采用8英寸晶圆,与6英寸相比,8英寸晶圆的器件数量比6英寸晶圆多80%。同时,Innoscience 英诺赛科采用C-MOS工艺,以便将多年来在三极管生产领域积累的经验和优化措施应用在氮化镓晶圆的生产工艺中。
今天,Innoscience 英诺赛科已实现了最初的规划。目前,公司拥有两座8英寸硅基氮化镓生产基地,采用最先进的8英寸生产工艺,是全球产能最高的氮化镓器件厂商。
目前,Innoscience 英诺赛科8英寸硅基氮化镓的产能达到每月10000片,并将逐渐扩大至每月70000片以上。
Innoscience 英诺赛科能取得这些成就,离不开招银国际、SK、ARM和CATL等世界级投资方的支持。
Innoscience 英诺赛科的业务
Innoscience 英诺赛科设计、开发和制造涵盖从低压到高压(30V-650V)面向各种应用的高性能、高可靠性的氮化镓功率器件。同时,因为Innoscience 英诺赛科拥有大规模量产能力、采用8英寸先进的生产工艺,所以在产能、器件性能、可靠性、工艺稳定性及价格合理性都具有显著的竞争优势。Innoscience 英诺赛科与众多客户和合作伙伴携手致力于氮化镓技术相关系统和解决方案的开发。
Innoscience 英诺赛科研发量产高性能、高可靠性的氮化镓器件
Innoscience 英诺赛科设计、开发和制造涵盖从低压到高压(30V-650V)的氮化镓功率器件、面向各种应用的高性能、高可靠性的氮化镓器件。
Innoscience 英诺赛科拥有先进的光刻技术,能生产线宽较小的器件,从而显著提升器件的性能。Innoscience 英诺赛科为客户提供一站式服务,能满足客户对高压、低压的各种需求。Innoscience 英诺赛科的大规模量产能力及8英寸先进生产工艺,能确保器件的稳定供应及合理价格。这些都是保障氮化镓能够大规模商业化应用的必要条件。
同时,Innoscience 英诺赛科持续创新与提升技术,保证Innoscience 英诺赛科始终走在氮化镓领域的前沿。Innoscience 英诺赛科已经拥有完整的技术路线图,能满足客户不同应用方向的不同需求,同时也能针对客户的特殊需求定制解决方案。
Innoscience 英诺赛科确保质量和可靠性
Innoscience 英诺赛科拥有珠海及苏州两座8英寸硅基氮化镓生产基地,采用先进的生产工艺及来的最先进的8英寸硅基氮化镓生产设备。拥有来自国际一流半导体企业的技术专家和资深人士,保障了产品的质量与产能。
此外,Innoscience 英诺赛科通过国际标准(如ISO9001和IATF16949)的认证,采用先进的质量管理系统(QMS),持续改进生产质量工艺。
在可靠性方面,Innoscience 英诺赛科具备拥有出众的晶圆级、封装级以及系统级的测试能力,对系列产品及产品迭代开展常规的检测,以满足JEDEC标准。同时,Innoscience 英诺赛科还可根据客户特殊的需求定制检测方案。
迄今为止,Innoscience 英诺赛科器件出货已超百万颗,因器件性能或可靠性问题的返厂率为0%。这再一次证明Innoscience 英诺赛科器件的卓越性能。
Innoscience 英诺赛科全球最大的8英寸硅基氮化镓器件制造商。Innoscience 英诺赛科将针对您的需求,为您定制开发解决方案,给您提供样品及开发器件,同时也与您一共开发基于Innoscience 英诺赛科器件的解决方案。
Innoscience 英诺赛科的系统工程师团队全力为客户提供支持,根据您的应用需求,共同开发DEMO板。建立个性化的解决方案。
综上所述,合作共赢,是Innoscience 英诺赛科始终的信念,Innoscience 英诺赛科相信氮化镓能够获得成功,赢得市场。您的成功,就是Innoscience 英诺赛科的成功。
Innoscience is the largest 8-inch Integrated Device Manufacture (IDM) fully focused on GaN technology in the world. We fully control and own the world-wide largest dedicated 8-inch GaN-on-Si wafers manufacturing capacity.
We design, develop and manufacture highly performing and reliable GaN devices for a wide range of applications and voltages (30V-650V). We assure excellent performance, reliability, support, security of supply, large capacity and lowest prices thanks to our large volume capabilities, 8-inch wafer size and advanced high-throughput manufacturing tools.
Innoscience’s GaN devices are already used in several products such as Power Delivery chargers, smart phones, laptops, LIDARs, Data centers etc. We collaborate with several customers and partners to enable systems and solutions based on GaN technology.
Innoscience is the largest 8-inch Integrated Device Manufacture (IDM) fully focused on GaN technology in the world. We fully control and own the world-wide largest dedicated 8-inch GaN-on-Si wafers manufacturing capacity. We are a team of experts and passionate people that have the mission to widespread GaN technology in the market by providing best-in-class and reliable devices at the lowest price, which is combined with a high volume capacity and security of supply as required by the industry.
We are experts
Innoscience’s core tech team is formed by experts and veterans of the semiconductor and (power) electronic industry. They come from the world-class leading companies and have a large experience in the development, industrialization and high-volume manufacturing of Silicon and GaN technology.
Moreover, Innoscience has also a team of experts in system engineering that develops demo boards and other circuits for specific applications or customers in order to show the potential of Innoscience’s GaN devices and ease their adoption.
Our History
Innoscience was founded on December 17, 2015 with the aim of creating the largest manufacturing site and Integrated Device Manufacture (IDM) fully focused on GaN technology in the world.
Innoscience executives understood from the very beginning that to enable the wide adoption of GaN technology in the market, performance and reliability were just the starting point. They understood that the power electronics industry demanded 3 additional key aspects. First, they demand an affordable GaN technology, as the industry is not willing to pay a big premium to use GaN device; second, they need large manufacturing capacity capable to absorb large volume and associated fluctuations and, third, they require security of supply such that they can develop their products and systems by using GaN devices without worrying about possible production discontinuation caused by e.g. change of supply product strategy.
Therefore, Innoscience understood that only by focusing and dramatically scaling-up the volume of GaN device manufacturing and controlling its own production fabs, it would be possible to address the three requirements of the electronic industry (price, volume and security of supply).
For this reason, from the beginning Innoscience has strategically focused on 8-inch wafer size, that guarantees almost a factor of 2 more devices per wafer with respect to a 6-inch wafer. Next to this, Innoscience has decided to develop a Silicon compatible process flow such that years of learning and optimization for the mass production of Silicon transistors could be leveraged for the production of GaN wafers.
Today, Innoscience has achieved its initial objective. Thanks to the two large 8-inch GaN-on-Si fabs equipped with the latest generation of (silicon) 8-inch production tools, Innoscience is the largest manufacturing site and Integrated Device Manufacture (IDM) fully focused on GaN technology in the world.
Innoscience is producing today 10,000 wpm (wafers per month) and keeps expanding its production capacity towards and beyond 70,000 wpm.
We could not have achieved this without the support of our international world-class investors that among others are CMB international, SK, ARM and CATL.

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